AT&T: HORRIBLE! In so many ways.

A AT&T customer review by GetHuman user GetHuman-alighte2 from November 30th, 2017

Background on GetHuman-alighte2's case

GetHuman: GetHuman-alighte2 - can you tell our other AT&T customers when your case took place?
GetHuman-alighte2: Yup. It was afternoon, on November 27th.
GetHuman: Did you reach out to AT&T, and if so, how?
GetHuman-alighte2: I used the 800-331-0500 number I found for on the GetHuman AT&T customer phone number page I was on: AT&T Customer Service Phone Number
GetHuman: And which of these common AT&T customer issues best describes the reason you wanted to talk to them?
(Shows GetHuman-alighte2 a list of common AT&T problems)
GetHuman-alighte2: "Cancel Service" was why I was trying to call.

GetHuman-alighte2's review of AT&T customer service

GetHuman: So how would you sum up your experience for GetHuman's AT&T customer community? We'll censor any IDs, numbers, or codes and any inappropriate words here out of respect to the millions of other customers using this resource.
GetHuman-alighte2: HORRIBLE! In so many ways.
GetHuman: Can you tell the rest of us a bit more from what happened on 11/27/17?
GetHuman-alighte2: STAY AWAY! This cooperation ruined my toddlers Christmas. Awesome that a greedy giant has no problem taking from a disabled single mother and her child. Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. *I wanted to get my child ONE DECENT GIFT for Christmas, thanks to them it will be dollar store junk that will break in a day and a broken heart. *Thanks AT&T for your black heart. Merry Christmas!
GetHuman: Let's quantify your experience contacting AT&T. On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy is it go get help on a AT&T problem?
GetHuman-alighte2: I'd give them a four out of five for ease of finding your way to help.
GetHuman: What about quality of communication. How would you rate that on a 1 to 5 scale?
GetHuman-alighte2: I'd give them a one out of five on communication.
GetHuman: And what about AT&T's ability to quickly and effectively address your problem?
GetHuman-alighte2: For that I would say one out of five.
GetHuman: And finally- any advice for other AT&T customers?
GetHuman-alighte2: Call them early in the day or late. Don't forget any personal or account information you might need for AT&T to know who you are.
GetHuman: Well there you have it. Some useful feedback and words from GetHuman-alighte2 taken from his AT&T customer service problem that occurred on November 27th, 2017.


2.20 of 5 stars | 1151 reviews

GetHuman-alighte2's AT&T Review

Difficulty of finding help
4 out of 5 stars
Quality of communication
1 out of 5 stars
Timeliness and professionalism
1 out of 5 stars
Overall customer service rating
2 out of 5 stars

GetHuman collects and distributes reviews, how-to-guides, tips, hacks and secret contact information for companies like AT&T, sourced by customers like you, to help us all get customer service better, faster and easier. GetHuman is not affiliated with AT&T in any way.

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