Greyhound: negative experience

A Greyhound customer review by GetHuman user GetHuman-butternu from December 1st, 2017

Background on GetHuman-butternu's case

GetHuman: GetHuman-butternu - can you tell our other Greyhound customers when your case took place?
GetHuman-butternu: Sure. It was evening, on November 23rd.
GetHuman: Did you reach out to Greyhound, and if so, how?
GetHuman-butternu: I used the 800-231-2222 number I found for on the GetHuman Greyhound customer phone number page I was on: Greyhound Customer Service Phone Number
GetHuman: And which of these common Greyhound customer issues best describes the reason you wanted to talk to them?
(Shows GetHuman-butternu a list of common Greyhound problems)
GetHuman-butternu: "Cancel booking" was why I was trying to call.

GetHuman-butternu's review of Greyhound customer service

GetHuman: So how would you sum up your experience for GetHuman's Greyhound customer community? We'll censor any IDs, numbers, or codes and any inappropriate words here out of respect to the millions of other customers using this resource.
GetHuman-butternu: negative experience
GetHuman: Can you tell the rest of us a bit more from what happened on 11/23/17?
GetHuman-butternu: Hello. Order number for my recent greyhound trip is xxxxx***. Round trip from Minneapolis, MN to San Antonio, TX. ** hour bus trip. Starting **:**pm ******"I took one trip with you guys and paid $*** for round trip. I did not take the other route back because I threw away my "will call" tickets, because I was under the assumption I could print them again for my second trip. Although yes, it is a round trip purchase, I was under the assumption the tickets were not the sole mechanism for proof of travel. Also, I assumed that the first trip counted as one trip, therefore the other trip would need to have the entire process re-done, which in my head meant a reprint of the tickets. I chose the will call option because I don't have a printer, but trust me, if for some reason you manage to convince me to not despise every aspect of the company that is Greyhound, I will never select "will call" tickets again.** I realize you have clear rules. No refunds. "Will Call tickets you can only print once". Oh wait, except I was never told that the tickets were my only means of travel. I have had * experience at the airport with Delta airlines where I have lost my ticket and they found my information and accessed my credit card, and had me go through a process in which validates this, and then reprinted a ticket for a charge. I accept that I am in the wrong for throwing away my ticket. However, the way I was treated was unacceptable, and arguably, this policy is unacceptable. **I paid by credit card. I had that credit card with me. You have my records on file. I had the email confirming it. There was more than enough proof for you to look over this and print another ticket with a series of questions from a higher up at the station. I'm not saying people should rely on this, but, if, for instance, a situation arises where a student who is travelling on a low budget misinterprets one of your "laws", that he doesn't have to sleep on the street in a foreign part of the United States for a night while he scrambles to find a way to get home.**I could not buy another ticket because I couldn't afford it. I indeed did have to sleep on the street for the night because I didn't have anywhere to stay and could not get enough money in time to buy another trip. After I got ahold of my dad at * in the morning, he offered to buy me a flight. **The flight was $***. I'm a college student and used your service because it was cheap, and trust me, it wasn't that cheap for the amount of time and headache I went through.* I only made part of the trip from Minneapolis to San Antonio, but did NOT make the trip from San Antonio to Minneapolis with your service.**The first part of the trip was great. The second part was one of the worst travelling experiences, and maybe even one of the worst experiences in general, I have ever had. I talked to multiple employees at the Greyhound station in San Antonio and they could not have made the situation any worse. They were disrespectful, not sympathetic, did not provide any options, did not even pretend to care, and also did not give me anyone else to talk to. The highest level of person I was referred to was another driver. The guy at the front counter never once made eye contact with me. After he slurred over his words and managed to point out someone else to talk to, I talked to someone who only said "no ticket, not my problem" and then looked away. I talked to a security guard who gave me the most information... not one of your employees. He told me that "will call tickets" are not a good option and should not even be offered. He apologized and said there was nothing he can do. The only decent costumer service interaction I have ever had with Greyhound is through a third party security guard."**I honestly regret chosing the will call option, as i realize if I had an online ticket, none of this would have happened. But by god this was communicated to me so very poorly, and I refuse to accept ***% of the blame.
GetHuman: Let's quantify your experience contacting Greyhound. On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy is it go get help on a Greyhound problem?
GetHuman-butternu: I'd give them a one out of five for ease of finding your way to help.
GetHuman: What about quality of communication. How would you rate that on a 1 to 5 scale?
GetHuman-butternu: I'd give them a two out of five on communication.
GetHuman: And what about Greyhound's ability to quickly and effectively address your problem?
GetHuman-butternu: For that I would say five out of five.
GetHuman: And finally- any advice for other Greyhound customers?
GetHuman-butternu: Call them early in the day or late. Don't forget any personal or account information you might need for Greyhound to know who you are.
GetHuman: Well there you have it. Some useful feedback and words from GetHuman-butternu taken from his Greyhound customer service problem that occurred on November 23rd, 2017.


2.45 of 5 stars | 229 reviews

GetHuman-butternu's Greyhound Review

Difficulty of finding help
1 out of 5 stars
Quality of communication
2 out of 5 stars
Timeliness and professionalism
5 out of 5 stars
Overall customer service rating
3 out of 5 stars

GetHuman collects and distributes reviews, how-to-guides, tips, hacks and secret contact information for companies like Greyhound, sourced by customers like you, to help us all get customer service better, faster and easier. GetHuman is not affiliated with Greyhound in any way.

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